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DCJ Officiates at Swearing-In Ceremony of New PPDA Tribunal Member
Ms Keto Kayemba being sworn in at the Court of Appeal

The Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, presided over the swearing-in ceremony of Ms Keto Kayemba, a member of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Appeals Tribunal (PPDA) at the Court of Appeal in Kampala.  

The DCJ commended Ms Keto for taking the oath and implored her to be true to it, to serve faithfully and with humility. He exhorted her to keep the values of impartiality, independence, propriety, equality, competence, and diligence in mind at all times.

He added that observance of these principles should always be accompanied by a strong work ethic and dedication to the responsibilities at hand.

Hon. Justice Buteera urged members of the Tribunal to embrace Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms in the course of their work.

The Tribunal's core function is to hear applications for review of decisions of the PPDA made to it by aggrieved bidders or aggrieved procuring and disposing entities.

The Tribunal's Chairperson, Mr. Francis Gimara SC, thanked the DCJ for providing the Tribunal with a highly qualified and experienced member.

Mr. Gimara commended the Judiciary for adding the Tribunal to the Uganda Legal Information Institute (ULII) platform, where its judgments can be publicly accessed.

He also informed the DCJ that the Tribunal had successfully met the Act's requirements for resolving cases within 15 days and has no case backlog.

The swearing-in ceremony was moderated by HW Christine Turibamwe, Acting Senior Magistrate Grade One, attached to the DCJ's Chambers.

Mr. Lawrence Semakula, the Accountant General from the Ministry of Finance, Personal Assistant to the DCJ, HW Allan Gakyaro, and several members of the PPDA Tribunal, including Mr. Atiku Saki Mansoor, the Tribunal's Registrar, were present to witness the swearing-in ceremony.

Ms. Keto is the President of the Pan African Federation of Accountants and a Member of the Institute of Certified Accountants of Uganda. She previously served as Assistant Auditor General of Uganda from 2017 to 2022.

Posted 18th, July 2023
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